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By clicking the button below, you acknowledge that you understand that you are eligible to attend unlimited Get Stuff Done Buddy sessions during your 1-week free trial. After 7 days, your card will be charged for the annual pass. Your pass starts that day, and you retain full access to every session available during your membership year. You will be charged again in one year at this membership rate. You may cancel your membership at any time by emailing, and you will not be charged again.

I’ve worked all by myself for years. Yet I’ve gotten more stuff done in the last month by attending Get Stuff Done Buddy sessions than I ever have on my own. It’s proven especially valuable to me by helping me stay actively productive at a time when my energy is usually flagging.

—Peter Johnson

Get Stuff Done Buddy has been a total game-changer for me! The accountability has helped me stay focused and actually finish projects (imagine that! LOL). Plus, coworking with others beats the loneliness of being a solopreneur. Highly recommend!

—Pam Ivey

Joining this group has already made a big difference in my life! Community and productivity! It’s such an anchor for me. And I really need an anchor. Without it, I just float through the day and don’t get much done.

—Berry Kruijning

Get Stuff Done Buddy dramatically increased my productivity from the first day I used it! I’m always amazed at how much more willing I am to be accountable to someone else than to myself.

—Barbara Hemphill

For two days I didn’t come to any Get Stuff Done Buddy sessions—and I got nothing done. Yesterday and today, I got so much done because I have to give accountability to everyone in the sessions. To be honest, if I hadn’t been here and told everyone I was going to work on my taxes, I would have just been watching TV.

—Kathy Keshemberg